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We must keep them from dirty jokes and Profane Babbling.

So refuse all the old—that profane babbling and carrying on, talking. "Babbling" means "confusion." And the Bible said, "Mark those who cause contentions among you."

If somebody says, "Uh-huh, uh-huh." Now just—just say, "How do you do? I'm glad to see you again. Thank you." Just keep on going. That's the best thing. Don't shun them, but just mark them. Don't pay any attention, 'cause you see what it leads to.
    54-0103E - Questions And Answers #2

But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

Yes. All right. You want to know what the profane babbling is. "Profane—shun profane babblings, for they will increase."

Now, the first thing is, "profane babbling, for they shall increase." Now, anything that's just an old—just keeps babbling. The Bible said—Jesus said, "Let your yes be yes and your no be no, for anything more than this will come to sin." You're not supposed even to joke and cutup with one another. God will make you give an account for every idle word that you speak. Did you know that? The Bible said that you'll have to give an account for every idle word. So what kind of a people ought we to be? People that's frank, stern, loving, kind, and never a bunch of nonsense, always going along…

138  Look. You take a fellow that'll start today… I've noticed it on myself, and being of my own nature, an Irishman; I'm always a lot of wind about me anyhow, to cutup and carry on. And every—every so often even my wife say, "Now, Bill…"

I say, "That's right, honey." She'll say…

I tell the kids around there, I say, cut up with them or something, say, "Well now, you know, there was three great men come out of Kentucky."

"Who was that?"

"Well, Abraham Lincoln."


"Daniel Boone."


"And your father." Something like that.

And she'll say, "Now, Bill, there you go again." Now I have to go off in the closet somewhere and say, "Lord, forgive me; I didn't mean to say it. Do something to me; make me quit that." See?

140  And every day I—if I do that… Now, we was talking on the word backsliding this morning. When you do that you're backslid. Yes, sir. You got to repent. Is that right? Now, I don't mean to say if you went out in the world and you did this and that, but you done something. You've got to repent and die daily to live in Jesus Christ. So every day—every day, you've got to die every day to live in Christ Jesus.

When I see something… Many times I do things that's wrong. I'll be out, and somebody will say something or other, I may say a little joke about it. Somebody say… Not a bad one; now, I don't believe Christians tells dirty jokes. No, sir. No, sir. That's not even becoming Christians, the Bible said. It said to refuse old profane things like that, and jokes, and jostling, and things like that. No, Christians don't tell those things; Christians has pure thoughts.

142  But if you don't watch, once in a while you'll have a man… He'll tell a little joke today. And well, he kinda thought it was all right, and he'll just let it go by, and not think no more about it. The next day he tells two little jokes. See? And—and the next thing you know, you're doing something else. And the first thing you know, it leads right back to that old same system again. Is that right? Stay away from the thing. Shun it. And shun that profane babbling.

    54-0103E - Questions And Answers #2